What We Do  ?

The Talk – it – Out Express (or TIOE) is a Talk – Therapy and Expressive Art Therapy based interactive platform to help people enhance their socio – emotional skills and lead healthier lives.

TIOE workshops combines with intricate efficacy Talk – therapy and Expressive Art therapy to provide individuals (in small group-settings) information, understanding and skills to enhance their socio – emotional competencies and use them effectively in dealing with (resolving) professional and personal relationship challenges.


The Model

Each module is based on the concept of RUE

  • (R)ecognising the specific issue/ problem through small group interactive event which involves intimate workshop setting or talks.
  • (U)nderstanding the reasons for unresolved thoughts and feelings lead to undesired behaviour/ Study the link between Thoughts and Emotions and their role in leading to disruptive or negative behaviour.
  • (E)xpressing or gaining socio- emotional skills and tools to effectively deal with life – challenges.


The main objectives of the initiative are 

1. Get people to come together in a comfortable and free environment and have conversations about subjects they are unable to talk about elsewhere. Become good talkers and listeners.

2. Hold workshops for individuals and different groups on how to open – up, deal with emotional challenges, become productive, resolve negative feelings, problem – solve and communicate effectively with others in order to achieve inner joy, contentment and have healthy relationships.

3. Emotional Wellbeing

Available Modules

Modules can be customized to suit the requirement of the organisation/group

Know Thy Self - A Leadership Workshop:

To know about the four important pillars of “self” and how it impacts / enhances problem solving and decision making.

The Guilty Mind:
True Guilt vs False Guilt
Hum Sunenge - Talking and listening to emotions:

Talk about your often ignored emotions while also listening to others.

Importance of Socio – Emotional Competencies in Teaching:

To improve teaching efficacy and to strengthen teacher-student relationship.

Pump up your Self - Esteem:

A programme in building self confidence.

Parenting (including Solo Parenting ) Style:

Skill and parenting tools to raise positive and capable children.

Understanding and Practicing Consent Culture

A highly interactive workshop to understand the meaning of ‘consent’ and practicing it at workplaces and personal spaces.

Socio - Emotional Skills at Workplace:

Recognise, Understand and Manage your own and other’s emotions at workplace.

Menstrual Talk:

It’s not a blot!

The Age of Adolescence:

How to Drive Away the Blues and Think Clearly ?


Conversation about Needs and Expectations among partners.

Sexual - violence and Abuse:

Let’s learn  to express and our suppressed emotions.

Individual talk therapy sessions to resolve:
Low Self Esteem
Relationship issues
Anger management
Eating disorders
or even to clarify any other emotional distress
Prior booking required through WhatsApp
(Both virtual/ Offline sessions can be offered)

Book A Workshop/ Individual Counseling Session Today!

BooK Now

TiOE Team

A group of subject experts and consultants are empanelled with the agency and work on project to project basis

Sujata Parashar

Sujata Parashar

Founder and Psycho – Social Trainer
Tania Laskar

Tania Laskar

Psychologist and Creative Movement therapy expert
Dr. Nandita Mukherjee

Dr. Nandita Mukherjee

Medical expert
Aparajita Mangotra

Aparajita Mangotra

Business/Financial Advisor
Sumit Sehgal

Sumit Sehgal

Event Management


Digital Marketing and PR


"This is my first time to attend such a retreat/workshop with foreigners as facilitator it satisfied my expectations. i have learnt more about myself and how i would convey it to others."

Philippines Leadership Workshop Feedback from Participants

"The workshop we have done is very important to know ones's self worth. it help's me to know my inner self. i learnt a lot from this workshop. "

Philippines Leadership Workshop Feedback from Participants

"I'm very happy that i learned all these things. i was able to understand my self-worth and importance. the workshop taught us how to express ourselves and how to interact and work as a team".

Philippines Leadership Workshop Feedback from Participants

"In the present times, we all are suffering from<br>
anxiety and don't know where to take it out. This (prog) has a tremendous<br>

Dr Shalini Punia,  (Sparsh Clinic – Heal Thyself)

"Nice to be reminded again. Enjoyed the music and dance at the end!"

Sreelata Chaudhuri, Member of the IAS Offrs Wives Assoc (IASOWA)

"It was interesting. Wish it was longer."

Member of  IASOWA 

"it was a wonderful experience talking it out with such a variety of minds.it helped in accepting the harsh reality that i was going through. we all tried to analyze the reason for it..."

Tarana Deepjyoti

"It is very nice to have group where people can talk and say what ever is bothering us..."

Shree Gupta

"It is a very welcoming platform where could be just 'you' away from fear of being judged far from what societal status you carry and what age bracket you fall in !"

Urvashi Sharin

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